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IWC Replica Watches Pilot's watch Automatic 36mm Special edition for The Rake & Revolution

Grainger Herr agreed to first create the universe in which this watch will be born. We both liked the Gentleman Aviator story, because it was the first IWC Replica Watches Pilot watch that Ernst Jakob Homberger created for his sons who were already flying enthusiasts. Rudolph, Alex, and Hans were all gentleman athletes and renaissancemen. The three brothers all competed at the European Rowing Championships in Berlin, 1935 in a boat for eight. They won a silver medal in Switzerland. The brothers also represented Switzerland at the 1936 Summer Olympics, in Berlin. They did so in a boat for eight.IWC Replica Watches Hans and Alexander, in the coxless eights, won gold at the European Championships and silver and bronze at the 1936 Olympics. Hans became MD of IWC Replica Watches, succeeding his father in 1955.

Ernst Jakob Homberger was the man who designed IWC Replica Watches's very first pilot's watches in 1936.

The Homberger brothers win at Henley Regatta

The Homberger Brothers after their rowing victory at Zurich

Lieutenant Rudolf Homberger in his late 1930s service with the Swiss Air Force

IWC Replica Watches Spezialuhr fur Flieger, or "Special Watch for Pilots", was first produced in 1936

All three brothers loved flying, and Rudolph was such a good pilot that he joined the Swiss Air Force in the Second World War. Together, Grainger and I started to imagine the modern day equivalents of Rudolph and brothers - men that represented their countries in the gentlemanliest of sports and took to the sky to find inspiration and independence. Men who lived lives of extraordinary style, and would not hesitate to board a plane for a black tie soiree at a country estate. Men who lived lives that were a perfect blend of romance, elegance and replica The gentlemen aviators were inspired by men such as Howard Hughes and Charles Lindbergh. We realized that we needed to launch the watch in conjunction with a carefully curated collection of "Gentlemen Aviators-themed" clothing.

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